You'll be fine

I feel like crying so much now.
Because I just realized I could have contracted Dengue fever.
And Mum is so far away from me now.

I'm even more worried because I am a medical student because I could get assess to any information that I want and all the typical symptoms tallied with what I had on last Wednesday and Thursday when I had fever, except that I did not vomit.

I thought those red spots appearing over my lower legs are mosquito bites. But they haven't disappeared even after 3 days and I haven't had so much of them before. I find some red rashes on my left cheek as well. I wonder what is going wrong in me. And I'm having menses again after a fortnight. I thought that could be because of my fever last Wednesday which made my hormones went out of way. But when I try to relate it with rashes over my cheek and my legs, I realized it could be due to my low platelet count. I could be bleeding because of that.

But my fever has subsided on Thursday. I was too drowsy and tired that I did not cover up myself with blanket. I didn't close the door too. So I thought I was bitten by mosquitoes so badly.

Get well soon


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