Day 1 in Ward 3B

I am dead tired now I guess. Because my eyelids are heavier than usual, with dark circles more obvious too.

Today was not a failure, I'd say. Although I was almost lost for the first 20 minutes in the ward, I finally figured out something specific to do, which was to clerk a patient's...yupe, not the patient himself exactly, but his wife, since the patient was not in a good shape to answer my many questions. I guess I enjoyed being in the ward as it's much more interesting than sitting in the lecture hall listening to the rather dull plenaries. I like to see what other people do in the ward. Nurses, matrons, medical assistants, house officers, medical officers, even other medical students too are doing their own jobs in the wards.

I'll need to learn to be more independent in the ward, to be more proactive in learning. I should ask more questions, whenever there is a chance. I shall not allow myself to stand and not do anything for more than 10 minutes in the wards.

I'll need to train my STANDING power. Haha. Like literally, I'll be standing and walking a lot around the wards from today on wards. I bet I will get used to it very soon since I believe there will be so many interesting cases to learn about.

The weather in the morning is not too bad. I almost did not sweat at all in the wards in the morning. Afternoon I got the chance to go to the ACC, where endoscopies are carried out.

I will learn to ask and to grab more learning opportunities in the wards from today on wards!



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