Summary of the day

I tried to look out for you and and you were already there. Can't remember what shirt you were wearing anymore. Once in a while when I was talking to the patients I'd try to see where you were until at one point I thought you walked out of the ward already.

I was feeling tired maybe because of my Dengue-like effect so I went out to take a break with my bottle of water. I saw you sitting on the bench with your boy friends. I didn't really bother seeing what you were doing but I knew you were there.

I started talking to the phone when dad and mum called to ask for my condition. You and your friends stood and went off. I was still on the line with Dad and when you walked pass me and down the stairs, you turned and look at me. I saw you too.

Then you disappeared into the crowds.

In the afternoon I did not know since when you went in to CR2 for our 2nd CSS class. But you were sitting so far behind from me that I couldn't see you at all.

I wondered if you actually tried to see where I sat too.

Then everyone from behind came to the front to collect their gloves. You came almost the last few. I did not bother to look at you but I wonder if you did when you walked pass me.

After class, before I could notice, you left. You left without saying Goodbye to me.

I didn't see you smile today. And I think I miss it.

Can I see you smile tomorrow, and can we talk tomorrow?


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