On call on a Tuesday night is a NO-NO good thing.

I'm having severe dizziness and headache now. Possible etiology is that I have been dehydrated. And I think the weather was bad today. I was sweating a lot in the wards with a lack of fluid replenishment.

If I were to be on-call for 5 days a week, I will get DVT sooner or later. Today I spent 2.5 hours observing an open appendicectomy. The operation was interesting since this was my first time observing the complete op. It was my first time to see a real appendix being removed too. It is smaller than I expected.

Tomorrow is a long, long day. And the day after tomorrow is my first TBL. I have tonnes of work left unfinished now. By right I am not supposed to go to bed before I get my things done. But my head hurts too much now that I think if I don't excuse myself from work I might throw up soon.

So, nights, pals!


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