Today was long and tiring. I thought I slept well the night before but I woke up with a headache.

I thought I wouldn't survive till CSSC which lasted for almost 3 hours. But I did. Maybe it's all because of the lecturer who did a great job entertaining me. Or maybe it's because of you, who were sitting right next to me. I thought some little bursts of adrenaline helped a lot.

I didn't turn to see you at all - not even once.  But I think we were sitting really close to each other. I didn't see your face. But I peeped and saw your thighs crossed over to each other.

We had zero communication. But I was too certain and aware that you were there. That's why I survive well throughout the session. I forgot that I was having a headache as well. And then after class I waved good-bye to you. I think I hopped down the stairs when I would normally use the elevator. I had a great day.

I appreciate little things that happen to me in my daily life. They don't have to be great surprise anymore.

Sometimes even when a patient nods and acknowledge my presence can make my day.

I think I tend to magnify a lot of my small happiness in my life. But I think this is a good habit, isn't it?


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