Sweet empty Thoughts

I looked through the angle of my eye, without my head turning or my eyes turning. You were there, so near, yet so far away.

I know too well the only thing I can do is to wait. And wait. And wait,

It might be the last thing ever that happens.

But I am not sad, nor disappointed. Because I did not put in a lot of hope. And then there is barely any expectation. I was just observing. Looking. And imagining things, perhaps.

But you are there. Right there.

And the next thing happened, my eyes matched with yours. But I quickly turned away, trying my best to pretend that I was just glancing all over the place. I wonder if you were just glancing too. I wonder if you saw me. I wonder if you noticed me, my presence, at all.

But it doesn't matter. Because I could do no thing. But to wait, for you to come.

It is okay, I told myself. Afterall, I was just being aware of myself, but perhaps in the eyes of others. In the eyes of you.


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