Today will end soon and tomorrow is coming

2 days in a row, I slept like I would not want to wake up the next morning and woke up like a dead pig. I came back to my senses and realized that I was asleep, and then was now awake. I closed my eyes, hoping that I was dreaming and that I was still sleeping. I couldn't move my arms and legs and my eyes were heavy as if 2 sandbags were hung below them. I tried to slowly open my eyes again, this time, have accepted the fact that it was already the next morning. Birds were chirping and sunlight were showering over my blanket. And I was wrapped in my lovely comforter like a cocoon.

I wondered if this would be the one and only weekend left for me to enjoy this morning moments in bed, when I could abandon the sounds from my radio alarm and leave my phone alarm ringing till it stopped on its own, not realizing that there were tonnes of work ahead of me.

After a couple of minutes, I got to convince myself to wake up. I took a deep breath and accepted that today will soon be over and hard work will start soon. I wiped my car until it became glossy and brilliant as before. I made myself some protein fruit shake, made some Chinese dessert soup and then had my laundry done.

I enjoyed the tranquility of the air, although once in a while there were noises of people moving furniture and cars passing by. I feel the calmness when I am fully aware of my surroundings. I like it when I am certain of where I am and what I am going to do.

2 years will pass by as quickly as I could imagine.

And tomorrow will soon begin and I would be more than happy to be in the surgical group, learning to clerk patients in a language that I am less familiar with and meeting my mentors and lecturers, in which among them, one does not like students to wear black and the other does not like students to take the elevator.

Life will be interesting. Cheers!


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