Where am I

I'm highly irritable now.I'm angry, disappointed and suffocated with most of the things around me including myself.

I am aware of my feelings.and I see the changes that im experiencing.but I never ask why because I know it might be part of the symptoms.

I hate the people living across my unit.and the people who never stop the drilling works.i could not stand the noise which was once so hardly noticeable to be angry at.i hate the kids who scream and wail like the world is going to end soonand they would never see their mothers anymore.my housemate irritates me by burning part of the handle if a cooking utensil.ashes were flying all over the place.

I could not focus on my work.i feel useless.i could not decide what I wanted to do, until I calmed myself down and I did not manage to do a thing because it was all too late.

Tomorrow is unknown.and I feel so insecure.what is so worrying now?

I hope I get over it soon.i hope I can enjoy my work again.


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