Pre-work obstacles, still counting

So many things seem unplanned. So much of rushing it seems and so much of obstacles. I've known since many years ago that I often have to work harder than many of my counterparts to achieve similar things. And I've also learnt that people come and they go, sometimes too soon before I even realise.

Once a wise, old man read my palm and he asked me, "what's life about if there is no challenges? You're young, just take whatever is to come as a challenge for you." Is it already coming? Those many challenges that I've been anticipating. From discovering my poor health and having to take all sorts of things before it's too late, and then not ending up in the same hospital with my friends, to what's happening now, that I can't even find a decent place to stay after several efforts. So many tiny obstacles that I'm facing now it has not stopped me from being stronger. Despite all that, I only wish for once that things will turn out better and brighter days will soon come. 

I'm so tired. Physically. 


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