5 days to Tagging life

It's been a while since the last time I allowed myself to indulge in a lot of rice. I am having a generous portion of Japanese rice and it's so tasty and all I know is that I might miss it very, very soon. I was randomly assigned to the Medical ward for the next 4 years. God knows how i'm going to survive. I have apparently run out of any more sense of creativity or imagination to visualise how tough life is going to be. If it can be seen from merely one of my palms, the fact that I'm going to suffer can't be less true. I am starting to enjoy the feeling of being able to focussed, something I've missed so long ever since I moved back home. And now that I'm all alone far from home again, I actually do feel a little more energised because I know what I'm going to do and how I'm going to take things. By the way, rice on its own is really sweet. I wonder if sugar's been added into the cooking.

Another thing is that when I'm not depending on my parents like how it was back at home, I tend to appreciate good and nice things around me more. I'm really glad that people around me are nice to me. It's not their duties to take me around the town and bring me to nice food but it's the things that they do which make them really kind beings.

There are a total of 120 patients in 3 separate medical wards, with a total of 40 housemen in the department. Extension rate is described to be 'Extension till proven otherwise'. Which means, very likely I'll get extended since I can't even recall what to check in an abdominal examination now.

Despite all challenges to be overcome, health is still more important than learning. I have to take care of myself so that I can survive in the coming two years.

Wish me luck!


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