Butterflies in the stomach

I will be posted to the Medical department for the coming few months starting next Monday. I have just had a meeting this afternoon with the MO-in charge, captain and co-captain of the dept and my colleagues who I will be working with. Even though I have always been preparing my mind for the storms and the very-steep learning curves that are soon to come, I still had a strong sense of having butterflies in the stomach even before the meeting came to an end. I feel worried and scared at times but I feel excited as well. And I am glad too for having really nice, patient and caring seniors with us. They are like one of the few best seniors one could ever ask for, especially during tough times like these. I am also very glad to hear that the MOs and SPs are nice people. Although there is a high likelihood that we will get extended, and that our tagging period will definitely be more than a fortnight, I am still glad that I actually do feel excitement growing, like, wow i finally get to see patients and do my job after being idle for so long. Surviving as a houseman has always been a skill. It's also an art. Because it's never only about how much medical knowledge one masters. It's always described to be tough and very tough because of long working hours, daily challenges and probably humiliation and scoldings that one will face especially in the past when there were not so many housemen around to share the burden. With the rocketing number of housemen nowadays, life as a houseman is still very much challenging because aside from long working hours, we have to complete a certain number of tasks before we can move on to the next phase in a particular posting, and with so many of us, overcoming competition becomes part of survival too. I have no idea yet how I am going to stay steady and calm and breath at a normal rate with my heart beating at the right speed starting from next week, but I have to overcome the little fear and excitement in my heart so that my hands won't tremble too much while setting a line on a patient, and that I won't gibber while presenting a case.

And most of all, I don't want butterflies in the stomach to be the solution of my mild constipation.

P/S. I tend to have mild constipation when I'm over-occupied and I'll have IBS/loose stools when the vagus nerve gives up on my GI systems.


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