Words Reminisced

People are snoring away in the room.
I am enjoying solitude at one corner of the room under warm, fluffy yellow light.
I'm filled with a little bit more of energy now, after weeks of almost not doing anything meaningful in particular besides adopting a homeless puppy (even that was dad's idea).

Today, the first ever time I spoke to a homeless person. It was brief, and not even on a personal level, but that few minutes of conversation made me realise so much of where I should belong. Conversing comprises listening, and learning. It is therapeutic on its own - to both the patient, and the healer doctor.

Once, I got lectured by a wise man,

'Why do you interrogate this man here? Why should he share with you his stories? You don't even care about where he sleeps at night.'

'How much do you know about him?'
'And you think you're really helping him, but not creating more troubles?'

His voices echoed, and they never fade away even after countless years.

I stopped looking at people around me - people whom I do not concern. I've thought through it and realised the meaning for me being in that place. I shall not be bothered by people whose lives I'm not interested in.

I thought I would have done better if I've mastered more knowledge. But I've decided not to be too harsh on myself at this point in time. At least I think I'm doing better now. My contributions might just be very little - maybe barely mentionable. But the fact that I persisted to stay and come again against all odds from within (thanks to Mic) made me realise that there are so much more that I can do for these people.

'Even realising their existence is a big step to helping the sick society.'

What's next?


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