Can I have some dopamine ?

Yes I think I can feel it now; after 3 years being a medical student who has always wanted to have a real feel of what's called medical student syndrome and how difficult life can be because I have never believed in anyone saying how 'lifeless' the life of a medical student is and how terrible or pathetic it can be to be a full time medical student.

I've just entered Year 4 for just 5 weeks now and I think I'm starting to experience what's called stress for a medical student. Since I did not believe in how stressful life can be as I've never really been through difficult times yet I'd say because I am probably a little luckier for being able to cope with all kinds of things in the past 3 years, I've not been very aware of the 'bad' times. But now, I start to think that maybe I am experiencing what most medical students are expected to have.

I know it when I see tender erythematous vesicles of various sizes mushrooming on my face, settling down anywhere on my face as they want, and it's beyond control. Before I realize, one or more have ruptured and I only found out when I saw discharge on the cotton pad. I have to disinfect them every now and then which I don't normally have to do so. I need to apply Vaseline on my lips more often because they are more sensitive than usual now. Every now and then I have to apply petroleum jelly on my finger tips as well as I see them skin start to peel. I've always thought that these peeling skins could be a consequence of taking Multivit tablets. I'm always convinced that I'm perhaps allergic or sensitive to Vit B12 what so ever. But now I think I'm more convinced that it's all caused by stress. It sounds like a new word to me now, which sounds funny or weird for a medical student but it's true because I've never considered anything in my life as stressful till, this recent, in fact.

My nose would start to run when it strikes 8 every evening. And after an hour or so, I'd feel funny in my eyes. I think they are congested. Maybe allergic rhinitis. But what am I really allergic to? Pollens? Dusts? No I was brought up in a place more dusty and of more pollens than the place I'm staying now. So it can't possibly be that. I figured out my body is probably allergic to stress. Stress-induced symptoms. My immune goes down when I'm under stress. So it explains everything. Alpthous ulcers, swollen gums, runny nose, sore throat, IBS, dry eyes, fatigue, daytime sleepiness and the list continues. I'll have to categorize them under the stress-induced symptoms as I never experienced them when I still had time looking out of the window, wondering how much taller the grass had grown and how colourful the flowers at the patio were. Oh yes, it's been a while since the last time I looked at the sky. I probably have forgotten how the sky looks like in Seremban.

Take a deep breath. As how I always tell myself when I feel suffocated. But now my nose is all stuck with mucus I can't even breath properly.

Where's the trough? I don't think I'm reaching there yet, that's bad. How long does it have to take for me to walk up the curve again?


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