I'm too fat to look good now I need to shed some weight

I had a good 'o weekend well spent with Mum, Dad and brother. I'll have to admit that I hadn't been doing enough reading but what's more important and happier than to eat, play and shop with your loved ones?

To be frank, I love shopping with my mum. Well, who does not?
Most of the time when you shop with your parents, you don't have to consider so much or for a time so long that the promoter gets fed up with you before you can decide on which item you really want. Sadly this is what happens to me when I shop on my own. Money matters too much especially at my stage of life when I am already in a heavy debt to the government, and of course, to my parents, both for my tutor fees and all other kinds of life expenses. I'm pretty stress-free when I shop with my mum because all I need to do is to consider whether the thing that I am going to buy is practical/useful enough and if it is worth the amount of money.

However, today I have to make a decision on working out on how I look. I think I've become more easily frustrated now especially when I think I look awful in the piece of dress/pants that I favor. I thought I'd look much better than what I saw of myself in the mirror. I weighed and I think I maintained my weight. But I'm actually overweight? I always feel that I'm slimmer than I actually am. I'm totally the opposite of an Anorexia Nervosa person. Gah.

I am going to allow only salads for dinner. I'll go for any sort of physical exercise of at least 150 minutes/week. I'll most likely go for swimming, squash and badminton. So if I want to make it 3 times a week, each session should last for at least 50 minutes or more. But the important point is that I'll need to tone up my body. I can't afford to feel sad about how I look.

Determination is what it takes.
A firm mind is what I need.
Abstinence from hi-cal food is a new rule to my lifestyle.
Someone said consistency is the key to success.

But again, am I and will I be determined, firm and consistent enough before I attain my goal?
I'd say nothing is easy in life. I always look up on people who are able to bring down their weight so much and I see how much in their lives things have become better. I want that to happen to me. I want better confidence in myself. Not only looking better with a more defined body can bring up my self confidence, but also the challenge of being determined enough in the process of losing weight will prove to myself that I am actually a capable person.

Life is an art. All things that we do in life can be perceived as art too. As long as it involves our emotions and perception of how things work, it becomes an art. And what is art? Art is nothing but border-less, limitless and undefinable. In other words, it's all up to our imagination. Hence, the key point is that nothing is impossible.


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