Girls' talk and Hearty feelings

I had a hearty-talk time with my ladies today. It's one of the rare days that we had our classes finished early so we decided to go for a coffee break. When girls sit down at the same table, endless conversation starts. I have been longing for a day like this, when I could say whatever I want and express all my inner thoughts to people whom I trust.

We talked about everything from people that we met in the wards, funny stories, gossips of people to our views about our lives. Eventually, we ended up talking about relationships and stuff. I was the most curious person because I need to know why I am still single -- when I think I have commendable personalities and qualities.

So one of my girls finally said that she thought I was not ready for a relationship yet. I did not expect to hear this of course because all this while I have been preparing to be in one. I asked why. She said she could feel that I wasn't approachable. I was probably sending a wrong signal to people that I was a less approachable person. People were scared of me. They never want to get to know more about me?

I was sad about this because I recalled an incident that made me believe that what my friend said is probably true. Many years ago when I was still a kid and knew nothing much about love and relationships, I had a crush on a boy in my class. I knew the boy liked me too. We spent a lot of time having fun in class. And one fine day someone suggested that we write on a paper about what we thought about our friends. Then the paper  was returned to the person. One of the comments I got from my friends was about how unapproachable I was. People befriended me though. But they would never go beyond it. Was it because I never showed my friendliness? Was it because they respected me because I was a top-scorer in school and I was the head prefect too? I was never happy about these.

I always enjoy getting to know new friends and getting to know my existing friends better. I always like to share my feelings and I always wanted more friends that I could trust. But I never know how to go about it. I didn't know till just then when my friend told me that I wasn't showing my 'soft-side'. So do I look so stern on normal days? I thought I looked elegant (?), and approachable (?). Now I just have to put 2 question marks in the statement as I'm no longer certain about it.

The main thing is that I have my principle that I believe I have to be my true self. I would not change my character. I would think that I am a psycho if one day I suddenly became a super friendly girl. I myself would take forever to accept it.

It is bothering me now. I think it is not a good thing that people think that I am unapproachable. I don't like this. So I want to do something about it. But how?

Maybe I should smile more often?
Maybe I should tell more jokes?
Maybe I should...?

I can't think of anything else that I could do because I thought I have been doing my best to present the best of myself.

My friend also said that I do not look like an ordinary girl. SO is this going to be good?
What did she mean by that? I am extra-ordinary?

If what she meant was that I have a better side of not being an ordinary girl, then probably, probably, the guy who would see me would not be any ordinary guy too? Would this hypothesis be applicable? If it would, then there would be pros and cons too. Pros is that the fated person who would walk my life with me would be a special one. Cons is that sort of person would be so rare, if he still ever existed, that we might not make it to the point of intersection of our lives.

I love talking about my thoughts to real people rather than jotting them down on a paper. Because a lot of times, people give responses that inspire. These responses sometimes give me peace because they clears some of my doubts.

Maybe I should come up with a solution to be a more approachable person?
So that people would not be scared of me?


  1. one day, one day you'll meet someone whom you feel that whenever you're with him, you can tell him all your problems, your fears and anything that makes you happy; and you'll find how silly you were back then, trying to change to fit in. Don't change, be yourself, be happy, sweetheart. :)


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