Can I make it stay like this forever?

Twas a happy ending for the week.
To cut it short, I had a good call with a great call mate.
He's somebody sweet enough to always get me something to fill my stomach.
And he's also really good at bloods and setting brannulas.
Today we both were able to catch a good nap of almost 2 hours in the pantry.
What more could I have asked for?
But soon enough he's leaving and I will not know how I am going to survive the night on my own.
I think I'm so used to being pampered.

I'm glad because my theory was proven right.
When you do good deeds, good people will start to surround you. And then this is followed by good things that will happen more and more often.
Stay cheerful.
Stick with cheerful people.
Sometimes, lend a hand to people who might need help.
People like to hang around with people with positive vibes. And people with positive vibes will stay with positive people as well. Then our supposedly miserable houseman life becomes less intolerable when we are distracted and occupied by good vibes.

Believe in yourself.
Believe for betterment.
Believe that tomorrow will be better.
Work hard and be sincere.
Then even the most annoying superior might be impressed by your actions.
Show your actions genuinely.
Then people will see with their eyes and discern the good from bad.

3 month plus have passed.
Finally passed my long case.
Feeling relieved.
Now going to pass my short case and MCQ.
Soon, I will go out of the way to finish my procedures.

Still, I feel very comforted.
It's all become worthwhile when your colleagues are good positive vibes.

Can I make it stay like this forever?


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