Sustainable lifestyle requires commitment as well

'Look at these people. It's been a while since the last time we did what 'normal people' do on a daily basis,' said Ruh, referring to other customers who were sipping their coffee, some silently doing their work while some chatting away with their friends. We both decided to spend some time together on our off days when we are well aware that it's not easy to have our off days on the same day. I told her I can't recall the last time I got to hang out at a cozy cafe.

I begin to figure what are the essential things that will make my life more meaningful. After working for a month and a half, I realised I'm not the kind of person who is willing to occupy all my time with work. I have been reminded multiple times that work-life balance is more important than anything else as it will essentially decide how well I survive as a houseman in the long run. Ruh has been pretty aware of it so she's been engaging in a lot of activities during her free time. I start to recall the good old days when I was still a child. I used to go for all sorts of extracurricular classes, classes after classes, filling up all my free time picking up new skills, getting exposed to things most of my counterparts probably did not have idea about. I grew up being a proud kid feeling different and special. 

Now, after working for almost 2 months, I've started to settle. I've got used to the system more or less. I figure I should commit more in 'life' to make sure that the work-life equilibrium is well attained. 

With long and odd working hours, technically we have to put in more efforts than most other lay persons, and to ensure a more sustainable lifestyle, we have to take initiatives to commit in 'life'.


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