Mindful, not mind full

I went to a talk given by a GP on mindfulness. I've come to know about it 3 years back when I was still in Bukit Jalil. Back then, it was held as a weekly session rather than a seminar-like talk. There was only practices--mindfulness practices. And I liked the concept a lot.

We live in an environment of distractions. 24/7, even when we are sleeping, our minds become more active when we are in deep sleep. We often become lost in focus and tired when our conscious mind is not strong enough to abstain from distractions. Everything go downhill when we can't focus and do well. The vicious cycle begins. 

Unfortunately, the talk was held after lunch, and in between classes. So we did not have ample time for the practical session. I can't be less sure that stress has caused so much of side effects to my daily life. I couldn't focus. I couldn't do my readings. I was/am lost. It was post prandial tide during the talk, I couldn't help but doze off a couple of times. But the talk was of great use actually, only realising it after 1 day. It seemed to be an important reminder to me-- for why I could not focus, and for why I was so stressful.

It was from the peer pressure. It was from the anticipated events. It was from the past too, bad memories of me not being able to do very well in exams etc. All in all, stress came from the past, the future and on top of all, the distractions. 

I sat down with myself, finally with a piece of mind. And then I figured out the problems eventually. I had a long exhale as if I have found the root of the problem. 

With mindfulness, I could clear my mind. I am clearer now of the present moment which I am supposed to focus in only. I stopped thinking about how much hardwork my colleagues are putting in, and how much I had to do. I only think of what I am doing at the moment. 


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