When the shepherd is lost

Hello. My beloved blog.
By now I have completed a few more postings. And believe it or not, in less than 3 weeks' time I am departing to the second half of Year 4. The more I learn, the further I go, the more I feel insecure. I am indeed insecure of my own dreams, for the things that I am achieving has yet to meet the intended expectations. Therefore, the tighter I hold on to my dreams.

This year has been a great year. This semester has been interesting. I feel like I am achieving more things in life. That I am acting more like what a doctor is expected of. Yes, be it pretending or acting, I am moving at least a little closer to what I want myself to be.

3 weeks' time will fly as fast as it will. And here I am, again, feeling lost but only lost. Too many things to do. As I am almost always behind time, chasing after it, running after it, but never have I had a chance to be in time. These are all due to my poor time management. And my overly easily distracted mind. I cannot but to admit it.

Oh YM oh. When will you live the life you want. When will you do what you want. When will you be on time. Oh my dear sigh as you always would. But nothing will ever change. If I do not change.

Yes. Internal medicine is like a Sherlock Holmes, and emergency medicine a pool of  adrenaline. Eye I have a cute adorable lecturer who makes me want to learn and ENT is as mysterious as it would be. I miss my days. Back in my 'o young days when I had nothing to worry, nothing to keep up with. Time was abundant.

Oh my Oh. Yes sigh as you always would. Time will pass. And you got to make sure it passes the way you want it to be spent. Yes you can. Like how you managed your life just but a decade ago. Yes you will my o dear little.


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