What I learned in medicine today

What I learned in medicine today.

Today is our 4th CFCS presentation. (CFCS denotes community and family case study in which a group of 2 are assigned to one patient of our choice who has a chronic disease and we are to carry out necessary times of home visits at certain intervals for a period of 2 years to learn about his or her health condition, impacts to life, prevention care etc. At the end of each visit, we would come up with a report and based on what we have done for the patient, we would have to present it to our tutor)

I would say that I am among the luckiest to have this particular doctor as my tutor for this case study project. He is, in particular, a tutor who has high expectations from his students, occasionally projecting sarcasm, in order to make sure that his students learn from core instead of just completing a task for the sake of it. Many students are deceived by the fact that he has standards too high to be met and that he is being unrealistic and impractical. I would however feel shameful if I were to have mistaken his intentions. All is because his sarcasm are to be properly analyzed and then you will realize that it is all truths that are happening around us. And that we are too unaware of it, consequently, not being able to identify the core issues in order to treat it as the visible are only seen on the surface.

I am shameful to say this but I think I see my future self in him. He is such a respectful person so sophisticated that he makes me think and learn about life from scratch. And I can't deny that I do learn a lot just by being aware of how patients around me live their lives.

Bottom line, there are so many more things to learn from this doctor.

I am glad as once again, my passion for medicine grew because of him.


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