What's happening on me?
I feel like crying all the time.
I don't know what is in my mind.
I can't remember when was the last time I studied really hard.
I can't remember when was the last time I sat for an exam.

I don't know what I was doing since July. And it is October already. And before I realise again, it would be the beginning of November. What is wrong with me? Why am I so unaware of the things that are happening? What is in my mind?

Why do I feel like I am in a mess all the time? Am I really that poorly organised? What are my plans and where are they? Where is my enthusiasm and where is my confidence? Where is my strength and faith?

Now that I need to sit down and recall whatever that has happened for the past few months, I feel so reluctantly miserable, so cruelly indescribable. Where is my soul?

Now that I have to glance through the time table again, I am trying so hard to recall when exactly I started the GI module, when I started becoming so blur, so indistinct, and so aimlessly living in such robotic, random, unconscious, unaware ways.

7th of August, it was the first day my GI module started. For the past 6 weeks till before last week, which is the 28th of September, it ended. And I had one week off before my rotation for one week starts. I went home for one week after my GI module ended, and lived like an aimless sheep who got lost in the forest. One week has passed like it has never begun. Again, now I am back to the place where I build my dreams, this morning I woke up as if I've been in bed for the past 6 weeks. I thought I had a dream but I could not remember what it was about at all. I went for video recording, pretending that I am so capable of handling a patient who was supposed to be much more difficult than I expected. I felt no nervousness and excitement during the entire recording though it lasted for only 5 minutes.

And later at 4.30pm it is the peer review session. I shall pay full attention. I shall not lose focus.

Tomorrow is the day I would travel to KKB for the first rotation in a general hospital. It would last for 2 days and 2 nights. I shall be fully-attentive to whatever that happens there. I shall try my best to learn as much as possible. I shall not live as an ostrich. I shall work like a dog.

YM, hope that you have started living the way you wished.
Do not fall sick so easily because it is very time-consuming and tortuous.
Never give up hope and do not feel guilty all the time.
Your life is yours so manage it the way you want.
Do not give in. Do your best. To show yourself and the world that you are capable of a lot more things that anyone could imagine.
You are the best. Because you are not anyone else. You are yourself, who is so unique, so special that nobody in the world can ever replace you.

Take a deep breath, and conquer whatever problems that arise in your life.
You can do it.


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