Day 5 in a sea of peculiarities

 5 days into this new department, and day 3 of working. Yet I am already feeling so much of awkwardness and pecularities in the air, amongst the human beings. I have only clerked a handful of patients myself yet I am hearing so many things. Weird things that I did not know existed back then when I was in my previous department. 

I am being spied. This one single person in my team who is constantly reminding me to 'be careful' of someone. And another sending me texts to say how depressed many of them were in the past 1 year and this has resulted in a number of people leaving the place. Wow. Am I Nancy Drew? or Conan. Am I supposed to figure this puzzle myself? 

I am bad at puzzles. And I don't enjoy it much. 

I could trust no one. 

That's the conclusion I drew. I don't know if I am being helped, or manipulated. I hate to judge but analysing is a habit of mine and I can become very sensitive to things that happen around me, that is, if I allow myself to sense it. 

I try to keep thinking about positive possibilities. I have to try to ignore the negative parts. I know they exist. But I can't be too bothered by them or else I might get sick like my patients. 

I truly miss being in a working environment with down to almost no politics. Now I truly miss it. It's just but 5 days. How am I going to survive long in this place. Yet some people have survived for 9 years. I am going to need to figure it soon. 

First I must equip myself with knowledge. Put away the hatred, mistrust and oversensitivities. Indulge in the vast sea of knowledge that I have yet to learn. Learn to survive with the things that I hate most, but blend in like it did not matter. 

Wow. I just have to be amazed by myself, if I get to survive through this constant turmoil of overzealously peculiar human beings..


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