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 It's been nine months since I was last unattached, or single. 

Nine months can be seemingly long, especially when we were mostly homebound - no flying no traveling etc.

Thanks to this pandemic, both positively and negatively it has left an impact to my life. 

It's just but nine months, again though, it may be seemingly long but to most successive families, they do it for 19 years, 29 years, 39 years and more. I do not know still, if I could do it for so long, even though I have known for very long that I enjoy and indulge in this relationship. I treasure every limited time spent in companion; the sense of insecurity remains. This notion of course, I must clarify that it comes from myself, and has nothing to do with any other person. This is to be fair to people who loved me who are willing to share with me their lives. The sense of insecurity which has never faded is comes from the future which is full of possibilities and unpredictabilities. 

I once hoped I was a fortune teller. But I regret for now. 

The unpredictables tomorrows can be surprises. It can be good surprises. For the past 1 year I have let my life lead me, to wherever it leads me, I followed the flow. Quote, one of my dear friends, 'just follow the flow'. 

I want to stay greedy. To be a greedy person who craves for love and care. 

Since I've started to have a little faith in love relationship again, I have made myself believe that love is a right and everyone deserves it. From day 1 I remain grateful. And I shall only be more grateful for the love that I've been showered, maybe ten times more for what I've received.

To the one and only who taught me how to fall in love again, I recount every day the blessings that I've got. 


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