Fruitful Call and PN

It's been a while since the last time I was on cloud nine. It felt like seventh heaven too. It would be such a shame if it's just a prodrome of a crash after being awake at odd hours (night shift).

I'm happy because many things make me feel like I've achieved something. Not great things, but small, simple things that make my life better.

To sum it up, I had a wonderful call. Only 1 admission. That's not the main point though.
Having wonderful MOs to work with is superb.
Dr. Jo was on call on my night duty, followed by Dr. Kl on my post night duty. 
I never liked being in medical like how I do now.
Although I'm still unsure if medical is the posting that will 'complete' me, quoting from one of my o' time lecturers, I am glad enough that I'm not reluctant to coming to work. The ward environment plays an extremely important part, as it indefinitely influences every working person in the ward. Next most important thing is to have nice and approachable superiors. To be frank, before Ho-ship, I didn't know I'd be able to work with such nice people. I was preparing myself to meet not-so-nice people, speaking from experience when I was still a student in another part of the city. I've never expected that a specialist would ring me up to apologize that my leave wasn't granted. 

To perfect it, I got to sneak out of the hospital in the middle of the night with 2 other seniors. I am not an extrovert, so I don't readily speak. Plus, my BM is not native or good enough to converse with the Malays as readily as I could in other languages. So I end up speaking even lesser. But today, 2 guys actually waited for me to finish running the bloods and then we went to a nearby mamak stall for an early breakfast. That was at 4am. Totally out of my expectation. 'Twas really eventful.

I enjoyed the ward rounds as well. I've never felt so welcomed before. We spoke like friends and I enjoyed conversing with my patients, especially older patients. I probably like to deal with geriatrics patients more than young adults. 

I wish my future post nights are at least half as fruitful and satisfying as today.

Cheers XD


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