Devouring Hunger

'It's been a while.'
'For sure, dear, it's always been a while.' Ever since you're out of job you've always had a hard time to   orientate yourself to time. Ha-Ha. Yes it's true because I just asked my friend yesterday if today was going to be a Saturday because I was trying to figure out if I had to pay for my parking. I couldn't even remember if we ever needed to display parking tickets on the dashboard on a Saturday. It's kind of not too unreasonable for a person who could hardly remember the day of the week, aite?

Yesterday marked the 2nd time I successfully proceeded to Step 2 of the Hurri diet that I committed myself to, in the span of just over a month. Hell ya, I've never been able to tell the feeling of getting rid of 4kgs on my body ever since I've grown out of it. I only remembered how it felt to be heavier. And this diet did an amazing job by helping me to lose some weight in a very, very short time. 10 days. Can you imagine it? No pills, no exercise. Nah, I never could have imagined it either. Since it has done wonders I thought it worked well and I had to have it restart again. So I did it again just a few days back.

The great things about being on this diet is that it allows me to feel hunger and all that I felt was never what I've always expected. Hunger is not emptiness in the stomach. It is an intense feeling that reminds you of your existence, and it shows how much stronger your mind is than you've ever expected. Hunger is when you hear growling sounds from you tummy but you won't want to eat because you start to feel good about being able to feel it. The feeling so profoundly existing that I never thought I would endure so entirely and finally even begin to indulge. It's there, and you feel you're so much alive because you've once again gone through one more day and you've made it again. And after some time you start to get used to having the feeling at that same moments again and when it slowly becomes a habit of yours you will expect it to come and you even long for it, and when it does - it's almost ineffable. You know you've gone beyond the first phase when you no longer feel the urge looking at how-tos videos baking a New York cheese cake or cooking a mac and cheese. The feeling of hunger took over everything else.

Did I really not want to eat that piece of golden rummy tasting Tiramisu or did I just have to abandon the idea at all?

I shall let the rumblings and growling surpass everything.


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