*Thought for the day*

It's funny a miracle how friendship between two people manage to stay for a very long time. Things evolve from time to time. People do too. This is especially when two people are far apart, the experiences that each person faced changes the way one thinks, leading to a change in attitudes and behaviours. People learn new things all the time and the way they speak and deal with things might not be the same as how it was anymore. Some friendships start to fade when they are sustained by merely past memories and shared experiences with a deviation in prioritisation in life. The closeness between two persons is not a predictor of how long a relationship would last. If only there are new, shared experiences and common interests, the friendship would last. It is really difficult for that to happen. Because unlike a love relationship, often friendships do not involve much responsibilities, expectations, and maybe, even commitments. I've come to a conclusion that this is because of a change in how people prioritise things and people in life. There is of course absolutely normal because after all, we learn, grow and move on in life.

I used to feel very sad when I see friendships which used to be very precious start to fade. That was when I did not understand much about expectations in friendships. Often, only time, and, *bad times* can prove how strong the bond is. When people become quite close, naturally people start to take things and people for granted (although this is very bad indeed). Because of this, frictions happen. When these do, I would hate my friends and we would stop communicating. It breaks my heart every time when it happens, thinking that I might lose them for ever. Sometimes we triumph over the obstacle but sometimes we don't. This is when I can tell whether the friendship is strong enough to withstand the tough times. A friendship is deemed precious only when there have been tough times, countless arguments and even cold wars but were all overcome and friends befriend one another again. The bond in a precious friendship will only grow stronger and a friendship becomes more precious with time.


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