Can I have some dopamine ?
Yes I think I can feel it now; after 3 years being a medical student who has always wanted to have a real feel of what's called medical student syndrome and how difficult life can be because I have never believed in anyone saying how 'lifeless' the life of a medical student is and how terrible or pathetic it can be to be a full time medical student. I've just entered Year 4 for just 5 weeks now and I think I'm starting to experience what's called stress for a medical student. Since I did not believe in how stressful life can be as I've never really been through difficult times yet I'd say because I am probably a little luckier for being able to cope with all kinds of things in the past 3 years, I've not been very aware of the 'bad' times. But now, I start to think that maybe I am experiencing what most medical students are expected to have. I know it when I see tender erythematous vesicles of various sizes mushrooming on my face, settling...