Ice-skating for the first time =)

I went ice-skating today.
What a surprise meeting with Celina and Jason Tan, who came all the way from Seremban.

I fell down for a total of three times. And I think I hurt my right ankle. I hope it doesn't swell.

Of so many events, ice-skating is one that I have never really imagined doing. At the moment I stepped into the skating floor, I could not feel my feet anymore. 'How am I going to move when I can't even stand properly?' It was such a big challenge for me. I could feel nothing but the weight of my legs. But when I slowly tried to move forward using my right leg, and left leg as the base for support, it moved too easily, which is the main cause of me falling down. To be able to balance well is the main issue. After almost an hour, I could move better without holding on the side wall. I fell down and got my pants wet. It was fun overall. I stood in the middle of the floor, and as I looked at the people skating freely as they wished, I wondered when I could do it like them. 'Do I have to join the ice skating academy to learn from the professionals?' When I could not move as I wanted, it reminded me of life. Sometimes in life, things do not work out the way we want. It is exactly the feeling I had on the skating floor.

But I've never thought that I would go for ice-skating for the very first time in my life today. And I did it with Celina. She is such a special friend to me. We don't really look like girlfriends who hang out for shopping or who are always sticking to each other all the time. But she is the one who brought me for so many things to do for the very first time in life. Like bowling, ice-skating, going for nice buffet dinner at a grand hotel...etc. I appreciate this friendship and hope it goes on forever!

P/S: I whatsapped with Alex who is in Aberystwyth now, that I went for ice-skating not with my prince.

Me: I went ice skating today! OMG so may things I did it first time with my girl friends. Where is my prince. Lost his way?

Alex: Haha did you float on it using your fat that you stored just now? ( I told him I had so much food today) Doesn't exist maybe.

Me: Oh no......*crying emoticons


Okay. I don't care. What matters is that I am happy and I am enjoying life. What's it for if you have even a hundred of boyfriends but who break your heart every now and then?

I told Celina that if I am ever fated to be single in the entire of my life, I'd become a surgeon.

I told Alex maybe this would make me admired by all the men and women in the world.

Lesson learnt: Be a capable person.

Yay! A great day I had!!


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