My Very First Experience in an APRM

Theme: Transitions 2012 Doctors-in-Training Chnaging the Global Health Landscape of Asia-Pacific
Date: 13th Sept 2012-16th Sept 2012
Venue: Penang, Malaysia

Following a few seniors, Celina and I took the train to Pudu Sentral and boarded the bus to Penang. We were so late on the first day itself because the bus took 7 hours to reach instead of the usual 3 hours so we missed the orientation, welcoming lunch and a standing committee session. The first event was the Gala Dinner, where the official opening ceremony happened. Everyone dressed up very well. But the most exciting thing was the very first new friends we met there. There were a few Japanese ladies and also some Malaysians from Aimst and I thought meeting them was awesome. Although some Japanese could not speak English very fluently but to be able to share information and exchange knowledge on their medical education and their culture was totally awesome.

After we've done with eating after the long day, people started walking around and the dance floor was open! I was probably still in a blur-mode and I seemed so passive. But eventually, I approached to the people and had some fun dancing and shaking and socializing with the people. Most people there are very outspoken and this is what I have to learn.

For the entire event we stayed at the Bayview Hotel in Upper Penang Road. Celina and I shared a double twin room and the room was extremely spacious. Cleanliness and safety were not an issue. Almost all events were held at the 4th floor whereas all meals were provided by the hotel so it was very convenient for us.

We started off the second day with early breakfast when Celina and I were one of the very few tables at the Kopi Tiam of the hotel, where they served breakfast buffet. Food was not too bad there and I had some black coffee which I thought would keep me awake for the day and it's healthier than drinking concentrate fruit juice. After that was the first training session, usually led by two coordinators who can be from different countries . I joined the Action-project group which talked about disaster medicine including handling of situation during emergencies caused by disasters. I think I had great exposure about it now that friends from Japan, China, Thailand and the Philippines shared their experiences with us and I think if there is chance, I would go for their Action in Bangkok next year. Next, it was the Standing Committee Sessions. Among a few Standing Committees, I chosen SCOPE, which stands for Standing Committee of Professional Exchange that deals with student exchange programme for all over the Asia-Pacific region. I missed the first session and I find the second pretty useful as it tells a lot about the procedures about it. However the third one was rather boring, probably because only very few people turned up for it.

We had lunch and dinner at the Revolving restaurant on the top floor of the hotel though it only revolves in the evening. That was when I met new friends again. I talked to two Koreans, bumped into friends we met the day before and several new friends from Malaysia as well. Some people were very friendly and possessed very good PR skills because they could share jokes and talk about anything even though it was the first meeting. I should learn that. At dinner, Celina and I bumped into a Thai and we had great fun chatting and sharing experiences. Meeting new people was really great. There are always topics and stories to share.

The third day passed really fast because I was always enjoying so much. We had forum discussions in Komtar, which was 10 minutes away from the hotel. I went for the theme 'Transition in Medical Education and Research' given by Dr. Tikki Pang(NUS) and Dr. Hematram Yadav(IMU). The talk was fruitful. 

Before we left for the hotel again, the Student Panel on Comparative Global Health started after a short tea break. I could see how students could be so courageous, knowledgeable and competent to host the event. Back in the hotel, the third standing committee session began, which was followed by the 2nd training session.

The best part of the entire event was the International Democracy Night that happened in PMC that evening. Everyone was encouraged to wear their National Costume. We had so much delicious Penangite cuisine. Friends from other countries also brought their snacks to share with everyone. There were also performances from different countries and it was so much fun. I also had a lot of photo-taking sessions with people from different places. I like the traditional costume from Central Thailand. They are so nice! Batik from Indonesia with embroideries was very nice too. Awh =( I started missing everything there already.

Basically, there was no free slots in the schedule. So we could only have a short walk after everything ended at night. I did not have any hawker food but I tasted Sup Lembu. It was so rich and tasty. The second night, we brought our first Thai friend out, although to the same place again, for some supper. 

The last morning there we had a penang heritage trail tour but all of us were caught in the long-winded because almost nobody brought any umbrellas but the rain did not stop until the tour almost ended.

Celina and I skipped the closing ceremony as we decided to bring our new Thai friend out to get some souvenirs. But everything ended a mess because we could not find the shop and ended up being brought back to the hotel by the foreigner. Awh what a shame =(

Overall, I had a really great time and in the future I would definitely go for more of these events because it is just too much fun!


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