
Showing posts from October, 2012


明天又是新的module了。之前留下的烂摊子多的不知从何开始整理,但是我的心已经准备好。决心和毅力会非常强大地让自己坚持不懈,然后奋力向上。新的module,新的生命,新的心态,以及更成熟能耐的心灵与肉体--结合后会发出莫大的光芒,照耀前途,让自己一并把困难克服,并且达到最高的成就。 新的日子要开始了。其实现在已经开始了。 知道一切结束之前,我必须小心翼翼地踏出任何一步,做出任何一个举动。 要对自己严格,并且无时无刻警惕自己,确保自己正在做该做的,以及计划中的一切。 要发奋图强,聪敏地,把所有困难克服吧。 这个世界,在观察你的一举一动。因为你有无穷地爱,将成为驱使你向前奋斗的力量。 加加加油!

1-day diet menu

After several attempts on the 3-day diet, which has been claimed to be so effective to most people but has zero effect on me, I have decided to try the 1-day diet. Diet menu Breakfast 1 Egg, hard/soft 1/2 grapefruit 1 cup black coffee( no sugar, cream except for artificial sweetener) Mid-morning snack 2 Ritz biscuit, each with 1/4 slice of American cheese 1 cup black coffee( no sugar, cream except for artificial sweetener) Lunch 1 can of Tuna 3 half stalks of celery ( no salt) 1 cup black coffee( no sugar, cream except for artificial sweetener) Dinner 3 oz of skinless chicken/fish 6 broccoli/cauliflower florettes 1 cup black coffee( no sugar, cream except for artificial sweetener) And that's all. What's diffferent from the previous 3-day diet that I tried is that the menu is really very simple. So it is rather easy for me to do shopping.  By the way, seasoning like mustard, ketchup, vinegar are allowed but I am not adding in any of these ...

KKB rotation Reflections

I had a 2-day rotation at the hospital in Kuala Kubu Baru last week. It is compulsory for students in Semester 3 after the GI module. I would say that on general, I had great learning experience in talking to real patients there. I had a lot of fun that I would not experience in Bukit Jalil campus. Everywhere and everything in KKB was so original, basic and simple. There is no 3G access, no cabs around, no air-conditioned rooms, no shopping malls but you get to breathe in really fresh and clean air, listen to the orchestra by toads, birds and crickets. You sweat a lot, especially putting on the white coat and walking under the sun when you have to walk around in the hospital. But you are more assure now that that is what you will experience in a few years time. That is where you are going to work and serve the people. Believe it or not. It is so much difference to university life and city life. It is just so different and you have to accept it and adapt to it very quickly. I was as...
What's happening on me? I feel like crying all the time. I don't know what is in my mind. I can't remember when was the last time I studied really hard. I can't remember when was the last time I sat for an exam. I don't know what I was doing since July. And it is October already. And before I realise again, it would be the beginning of November. What is wrong with me? Why am I so unaware of the things that are happening? What is in my mind? Why do I feel like I am in a mess all the time? Am I really that poorly organised? What are my plans and where are they? Where is my enthusiasm and where is my confidence? Where is my strength and faith? Now that I need to sit down and recall whatever that has happened for the past few months, I feel so reluctantly miserable, so cruelly indescribable. Where is my soul? Now that I have to glance through the time table again, I am trying so hard to recall when exactly I started the GI module, when I started becoming so ...