
Showing posts from August, 2012

2nd week of GI

One week has passed since the new system of GI began. I promised to work harder but things somehow did not work out the way I wished. But I did make an effort to change my lifestyle. I go for swimming every morning before going for class. And hopefully I would become healthier and fitter. Classes start at 1.30pm everyday after lunch so I would not eat with my friends like I'd usually do in the last semesters. I could not adapt to the new time-table yet. I had problems adapting to a new routine in which I would have to do most of the things on my own. I spoke less than I usually would because I prefer studying at home but not at campus, hence I do not see any of my mates after class. I do not like this very much. But I am tired of asking friends out for lunch or dinner. Because I always end up eating alone. I think this should not be a big deal because eventually I would get used to it. But I pay much attention to the progress of my studies. I must focus more. I tend to get...


怎么啦。我是不是太愚笨了。一米的距离,一个小时,竟然就这样过去了。 怎么不先开口问好呢。我没正视你一眼呢。可是教授说的话好像都没能听进去。突如其来的惊喜,让人不知所措阿。虽然我正在夸大其词,但是当时的情形确实令人无语。我太兴奋了。所有的饥饿居然可以瞬间被遗忘。我只知道,我真的很喜欢上课了。 你坐得好远好远啊。但是只要开始有想睡觉的感觉,我只要抬起头便可以看见像指头般大小的你,然后整个人振奋起来了。你怎么上课不打瞌睡呢?真的好强阿。 6个月了,自从我意识到你的存在,我也不曾主动向你问好。有时候,我真的会质疑是不是中华民族的血统让我如此矜持低调。所有的情感,我是多么完整地把它们藏在心窝阿。这个世界,我看就只有珀斯念知道。 阿。感谢你的出现。即使我们的线图不会有交错点,我也会很感激的。我总是相信这些线图早已画好,所以我肯定不会主动起来。怎么办,很愚蠢吧。但又能怎样呢?我不能接受女人的主动阿。 明天会更好。亲爱的。

The new System to come. Here I come.

Hello peeps. Here I am again, back to the little nest of my own, in Bukit Jalil where I'd work hard to build my sandcastles. Exam has just ended for a few days and the official holidays for Hari Raya would not begin until after I have started a fortnight of the Gastrointestinal System. I admit I have had so much fun for the past few days though. Do not ask me what it is going to be about but I think there'd be much more anatomies to learn because I am going to a lot about our organs. Right now I feel a little tiredness with a tint of anxiety. Tomorrow is the day when I begin a brand new system of which I know nothing yet. But this time a little different is there. Only those who made it through the exams can proceed to the third semester but results would not be announced until this Friday. Ahh. I have to pass the exam because I so badly want to become a doctor! I promise I am going to strike much harder and learn smarter. So please, let me pass! ( Sigh, I always say this a...