
Showing posts from October, 2017


进入开工的第3个月第2个星期,我已经数不清我值了多少个夜班。经历了从非常疲累到无时无刻紧张的各种心理状态,我的身体及精神状态已逐渐适应于这种每四天就值夜班一天的工作规律。昨天的夜班里,护士柜台的电话一直在响。我尽可能让自己非常专注第工作,也让自己不要有任何一丝要埋怨的想法。患者一个接一个地“报到”,我保持平静的心情,按部就班地处理每一个案例。没有丝毫紧张与忧虑,也没有任何匆忙。另一个值夜的学长负责处理需要血检的患者。我们各司其职,没有很多交流,却如同心有灵犀。 从晚上10点上工,我便马不停蹄地在忙碌。当我在处理手上的最后一个案例时,早班的同事已经到岗了,我才发现原来已经隔天早上6点钟了。处理好手头的工作,我准备梳洗,再吃个早餐。早班同事询问后我才发现这个夜班里我已处理了10个新的案例。可是当下的我并毫不疲累。我心里有点沾沾自喜,因为在这个忙碌的夜班里,我们顺利地处理了所有病例,同时所有血检也完成了。对于护士们的无从配合我也自感欣慰。 在这个忙碌却平静的夜班里,我对自己有了新的认知。虽然要学的还有很多,但是我相信,随着时间的推移,我会逐渐成长,变得越发强大。

Fruitful Call and PN

It's been a while since the last time I was on cloud nine. It felt like seventh heaven too. It would be such a shame if it's just a prodrome of a crash after being awake at odd hours (night shift). I'm happy because many things make me feel like I've achieved something. Not great things, but small, simple things that make my life better. To sum it up, I had a wonderful call. Only 1 admission. That's not the main point though. Having wonderful MOs to work with is superb. Dr. Jo was on call on my night duty, followed by Dr. Kl on my post night duty.  I never liked being in medical like how I do now. Although I'm still unsure if medical is the posting that will 'complete' me, quoting from one of my o' time lecturers, I am glad enough that I'm not reluctant to coming to work. The ward environment plays an extremely important part, as it indefinitely influences every working person in the ward. Next most important thing is to have nice ...