
Showing posts from May, 2017


“成家人都痴线。但系我会系第一个患上精神分裂症。” 几乎每天都是如此。我只能用理性抑制自己的情绪。带上负面情绪说话这种待人处事的方式我无法认同。我很担心耳濡目染,有一天我会变成这样的人,在折磨自己的当儿,也让身边的人受尽痛楚。有爱也有恨,天经地义。我很好奇在理想家庭里人们是如何相处的。有没有一个家庭是只散播正能量的? 如果我会有自己的家庭,我务必确保在家人与家人间只循环正能量。这一切从健康的个人思维作为基础。再来,说话的方式非常重要。让对方听了会有负面情绪的待人方式必是大禁。一个家就算有爱,但是因为有恨,而恨会无穷尽地放大,这是痛苦的根源。因为有家的人会让身心寄托家中。腐烂的家是让人最痛处的寄托。说不上一个家。 14年前,我还在上小学。我发自肺腑地说过长大了我要离家出走。因为我感受到自己控制以外的痛楚。 没想到这句话烙印在我的边缘系统里,就像余波一样一直不断存在。小的时候想过的话其实不完全没有道理。 我想要生活在一个温暖安全的地方,只有有爱心的人群,不会有说话让人听了心里揪着痛苦很久的那种人。这个地方存在吗?如果很遥远,我可以制造一个吗?在充满恶性循环的环境里生活着,我怎么才可以像莲花一样,出淤泥而不染?我需要很多智慧,更多的智商才做得到的啊。 有时候我只能目无表情,因为脸上43个肌肉没有办法表达内心挣扎的情绪。 作为一个医生,我们常常被提醒需要put ourselves in theirs shoes。亲啊,这是没办法实现的,不是吗?我只是put myself in身边的人shoes里,我就足以无法自拔地在抽搐呻吟呐喊着比皮肉之痛难受一千万倍。在病房里的每一位有自己独特背景的病患里,如果我真心如此做,我还能存吗? 要在这个世界里活下去,究竟平衡点在哪里呢。要变成恶魔还是升仙?中间是什么。

Devouring Hunger

'It's been a while.' 'For sure, dear, it's always been a while.' Ever since you're out of job you've always had a hard time to   orientate yourself to time. Ha-Ha. Yes it's true because I just asked my friend yesterday if today was going to be a Saturday because I was trying to figure out if I had to pay for my parking. I couldn't even remember if we ever needed to display parking tickets on the dashboard on a Saturday. It's kind of not too unreasonable for a person who could hardly remember the day of the week, aite? Yesterday marked the 2nd time I successfully proceeded to Step 2 of the Hurri diet that I committed myself to, in the span of just over a month. Hell ya, I've never been able to tell the feeling of getting rid of 4kgs on my body ever since I've grown out of it. I only remembered how it felt to be heavier. And this diet did an amazing job by helping me to lose some weight in a very, very short time. 10 days. Can you im...