
Showing posts from March, 2012

great day

I suppose I had a great day today. Woke up 7 in the morning for the 8 o'clock MMS, stuffed my head with wonderful names of arteries, veins and tendons of the limbs with Nilesh Kumar. After that I had a badminton session with my friends. They are nice people because they invited me for it and after that they even invited me to their house for lunch. I never felt this strong sensation of existence since I came to IMU. which is one very good thing. and i'm going to sustain it. I helped out at their house. Wow. I liked their kitchen so much. It's fully furnished, newly-renovated with modern cupboards and no pipe is leaking. There's no mouldy smell because ventilation is perfect. They have a bright balcony as well. I enjoyed the meal so much. I never had meals with my batchmates at their house before. This is the first time ever and ... I'm still enjoying the after-taste, and the chewiness of the brown-rice they cooked. I can't tell what exactly has made me ...


这个美丽的早晨,我醒来后却被恍惚与担忧操困扰着灵魂。因为三个星期看似漫长却非常短暂的假期快结束了。躺在床上,目不转睛看着天花板,我想,可以不调闹钟自然醒的轻松日子似乎告一段落了,生命的拼搏又要开始新的旅程了。 这个假期,我在干什么呢? 我在浪费时间吗? 我只知道,我一直纵容自己,让自己只做当下心里想做的事情。所以,大多数时候,我没有在做具体的任务。有时逛逛街,游游泳,看看书,上上网,看看戏…然后忽然发现,这个一年里仅有的三个星期假期就这么悄悄溜走了。 为什么我会觉得紧张,甚至有点害怕呢? 或许,我在担心,我是不是没有让自己彻底休息好。 或许,我忘记了什么是认真的休息。 于是,我翻开2年前统考时期的记事簿。 记事簿的第一页,写的便是REST的定义。这是班导师肯尼弗为我们诠释的定义。 R - REPLAN E - ENERGIZE S - SPIRIT T - THINK 下面还有一行文字:CHECK ON YOURSELF. HAVE YOU RESTED WELL? 我扪心自问同样的问题。如果这4项我做到了,那么我就通过了。 接着,我再翻翻簿子,里面尽是统考前夕点点滴滴的我思我想。有的文字让希望的火把重燃,有的文字让人寒心酸鼻。但是最后一页,写的是一个小故事,而这个短短的文字,让我的生命毅然充满希望与活力。 那里是这样写着的: “ 这是人生吧。 酸甜苦辣。我这朵温室里的小花又怎么懂世间的困苦?UEC或许带给我痛苦,或许那些痛苦,跟三餐不得温饱的痛苦比起来是无足挂齿的。然而对于温室里的小花,那已经是莫大的伤害了。 小花看着窗外的小草。它向往小草的人生。它向着小草,希望有一天知道外面的世界,什么叫‘人生’。小草看着小花,它总是笑着对着小花。它看见小草因为统考而哭泣,觉得小花病了。小草想,如果那叫做痛苦,那小草每天热晒雨打,没有雨水时却在干涸的死神前晃荡,这种日子叫做什么。 于是小草思考着,它决定不再哭泣。一有哭泣的念头,它便看看窗外的小草,小草即使风吹雨打,还是笑着。它总是坚强地生活着。 有一天,小花想哭了。它急忙看看窗外的小草。可是小草不见了。它去哪儿了?是不是经不起份吹雨打,最终放弃了存活?于是它流泪了。小花伤心地想,‘小草死了,那我一样也会死掉。’ 可是到了第二天,它探出窗外,却看见小草又出来了。...


Exam is over and how shall I reward myself? I went on an exploration trip to the Midvalley Megamall today and entered a lot of the shops. The most gracious moment is that I could spend time with my ownself, be it walking, looking, watching, eating or going to the toilet all on my own, without interventions of anyone. It of course doesn't mean that I enjoy being along all the time but it's somewhat true that I always enjoy spending time with myself. It helped in regaining of self-confidence as well as the development of independent planning and organization skills. I don't know how exactly it works out but it is true. Every time after a major event in which I usually have put in a lot of effort, I would reward myself with carrying out new and exciting tasks. Shopping is one of it. I've never had a chance to shop on my own till I was almost in the third year of High School. It sounds sad but I wouldn't say that it is bad because to some people, I should be happy b...


It's in the middle of the night and I'm creating a new blog. I had this thought of writing myself a book. A book of thoughts of mine that may be sound or unsound. But that doesn't really matter. I just feel like writing. This book, called a book, merely because I feel like being a more proper writer. It might consist of only 3 to 4 pages, if not, 1 or 2 pages. It's a pastime that would be carried out under no unwillingness or any inappropriate-resulted stress. There is no responsibility held upon causing any misleading knowledge or bias as the entire work would be considered as a 100% narrative.  Before I start on anything, I would like to firstly introduce myself very briefly. I am a Year 1 medical student who has just finished the first graded exam, and is progressing to the 2nd semester upon completion of the first semester MBBS. My ultimate aim is to become a good doctor who possesses much professionalism, which is, according to the Ethics lecture on Communi...